Saturday, March 13, 2010

On Faceboook yesterday I read the most interesting thing. A friend of mine posted a status update that read, “When you kill a cow, you gotta make a hamburger”.  You know there’s the whole lemons and lemonade thing. Yet, somehow, the Cow statement seemed to make much more of a punctuated point. There is just so much crap that we are put through; So many things in our everyday lives that go so wrong. Example #1:  I had very little money in my Bank of America account at the beginning of this week. A company that will remain nameless made an accidental debit from my account that exceeded my funds. My lovely bank, looking out for only them, decided to take the debit from the large company as opposed to the charges that I made when there was money in my account. So I was overdrawn, and then charged overdraft fee for al l of the charges. There is no other word to describe this feeling than violated. I wanted to scream and yell at everyone who worked in my local branch (anyone who has been in this position before knows exactly what I mean). Instead, I decided to keep my composure and make the best of a bad situation. The irony is that earlier in the day, I was encouraging someone else to keep their cool in the face of ignorance and naysayers. It was like God decided to put my words to the test just to see if I really meant them. So, I did my best to be cool and polite and I got every single penny back. I chose to look at my big old dead cow and take the initiative to make a burger.

Today’s Task: Have a barbecue. It would be so easy to be somber over the death of a cow, especially if you’re attached to it. All you can see is what is lost. But a dead cow is a blessing in disguise. It’s an opportunity to eat well—to feast. So accept adversity with grace and remain positive. And above all don’t be afraid to use a little elbow grease to get the steak out of life.

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