Monday, March 1, 2010

Do people ever surprise you?  I mean, really throw you for a loop. Every now and again, I find myself suddenly surprised by the depth of someone whom I assumed was completely shallow. Unfortunately, after some time passes, the illusion wears off and I find that I was completely correct in my first opinion. I think it’s the desire to see the good in all people. We optimists have this constant desire. Recently, I have run into someone who I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined talking to. This person has been in my acquaintance for years but we have never gone beyond the surface in a friendship. I never took him for much and I’m sure he never really gave me a second glance.  In truth, I thought him to be a bit vacant. And yet, I now find myself in the throws of a budding friendship. We have been able to have every pleasant conversation on a myriad of topics and there does seem to be some depth to his character. I mean, I have actually connected with a person in a way that I never could have fathomed. I truly believe that our simple conversations could turn out to be something substantial. Then again, with my track record, I could be very, very wrong.  But, if there is anything that my experiences have taught me, it is to be slow to judge. You never know what people can mean to you unless you give them a chance.

Today’s Task: Don’t judge every book you cross by its cover. Unless you open it up, you can never know what it holds (like the Twilight series, which was surprisingly good). Sometimes out judgments are right and sometimes they are wrong, but it takes a little faith and a little patience to wait and see!

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