Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I consider myself to be a very observant person. I know that I am very spunky.  Put these two things together and you’ve got a pretty volatile combination—a snarky know-it-all.  I constantly find myself in the position of telling people things that they don’t want to hear. You ever find yourself getting that look from someone like, “who the hell are you”?  Well I get that look all the time. I am that girl who people love to hate. Generally it is people who love me that hate me but you get the idea. This snarky know-it-all seems to have a little extra edge to her.  Very often my dreams are revealing.  I almost always dream things before they happen.  Recently, a friend of mine went on a trip. I had a dream that he ran into an old friend of his and that something romantic happened between them. When he got back to his home I called him to see if I was correct, and much to my delight I was. It is quite probable that this lovely moment was happening while I was in La-La Land dreaming about it. So, I get up on my little sass horse and start telling him all about himself.  I’m sure that on the other side of the phone he was giving me that same look I alluded to before.  I think this gift is a manifestation of my gut instincts that just seem to come out in my sleep.  I can see betrayals coming from people I love. I can see accidents waiting to happen amongst co-workers. I see it all; clear as day in my dreams. But is that clairvoyance or is it just paying attention? More often than not, I think that my revelations are mere observations. We all have been blessed with the power to observe and take in information; some of us just use that gift better than others. We pay attention to our instincts. You know that nudging feeling that you get in the back of your head, or that drop in the pit of your stomach right before something bad happens? Odds are that before the tragedy occurred, you felt it too.  You just chose to ignore it. Could you imagine what life would be like if we all paid attention to our instincts? We might not get our feelings hurt all the time and we might not be so shocked when things happen.  Now don’t misunderstand, there is always that little something that seems to blind side us. These events can’t be avoided as much as we may try. But with a little observation and a little faith in ourselves, we could definitely spare some pain.

Today’s Task: Trust your instincts.  I can’t stress this enough. Women’s intuition isn’t exclusive to women; it’s just that we are the only ones who use it. Going with your gut will get you where you want to be 90% of the time (that is totally a made up statistic). I didn’t say trust your body parts (you people know what I mean). I said trust your instincts. I promise that you will be happy with the results.

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